5 modifications of Sifu that everyone should try

With Sloclap sorprendiendo a todos con el elegante y defiantante luchador de artes martiales Sifu, the most likely thing is that the players are looking for even more ways to prolong the enjoyment of the game. Si bien definitely es difícil como un clavo, el juego no es tan largo, pero con el poder de las modificaciones, ciertamente puedes disfrutar de Sifu con una nueva capa pintura. Es hora de ver algunos de los best Sifu mods todo el mundo tiene que attemptarlo.

As usual, all mods come from the good folks at NexusMods. Si necesita que funcionen, be sure to read todas las instrucciones utilisados ​​para que no termine ruinando su juego. Con eso fuera del camino, vamos a supergirnos de lleno.


5 modificaciones de Sifu que todos deben probar - Sifun

An excellent way to make Sifu, well, more fun for the player, the Sifun mod will give players a better overview of the surroundings when implementing the field of view and distance from the camera both in and out of battle. On the gaming side, players will have 50% more health, recover more health from eliminations and knockdowns, while movement is 25% faster. All this contributes to the fact that Sifu shines even more and is more tolerant of the beginning.

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Reskins epic

5 modifications of Sifu que todos deben probar - Epic Reskins

Definitivamente hay una colección de personajes que los players quieren ver en un juego de lucha como Sifu y, como de costumbre, la comunidad ha complido con creces. The likes of Daredevil, Shaggy, John Wick, Scorpion and even Travis Touchdown can be part of the Sifu experience thanks to the various modifications.

Download now: Shaggy | reckless | Juan mecha | Scorpio | Landing of Travis

Modo Dios (Salud Unlimited)

5 modifications of Sifu that everyone should try

Para un juego que se enorgulece de ser un roguelike y ser defeasifante, puede que no sea el tipo de juego en el que algunos jugadores pueden metere. Sin embargo, it shouldn’t get in the way of anyone who wants to enjoy the full plot of Sifu, and that’s where this useful mod comes into play.

In a way, using this mod makes your character invincible and you can even struggle to fight incredibles and survive until the end.

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Conjunto de movimientos changed

Do you want to dominate many movimientos disponibles for nuestro héro/heroína en Sifu? Entonces es hora de experimentar con el mod Modded Moveset. This mod will replace various moves in the game with special bosses and enemies that will allow new attacks and combos to provide a different experience.

Ahora puedes darles la vuelta a esos molestos combatientes y darles una probada de su propia medicina.

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My collection of permutas

5 modifications of Sifu que todos deben probar - Mi colección de intercambios

If you have been playing continuously through Sifu, you would have encountered a wide variety of enemies. In particular, this mod will make the various female models playable as the main character, giving you even more options for revenge with the aspect of your choice.

It’s a pretty impressive collection of character models that could mean another new career for players in Sifu.

Download now

Eso lo hace por la liste de dlprivateserver de 5 Sifu Mods Everyone Must Try. For more information and advice on the game, be sure to consult our review and other useful guides for the game.

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