G2A will be more transparent from 1 July Frente al constant reclamo desarrolladores y publishers, G2A está tamando cartas en el asunto para lavar un
Month: June 2017

Rockstar Manifests Before Take Two’s “Anti-Modding” Controversy Updated on July 25. Desde el 14 de Junio está la red altereda, screaming OMG e indignada por

Get KILLING FLOOR Free a Humble Store Llega el veranito y con él comienza las tan esperadas rebajas. Humble Store ofrece unos pack increíbles for

Killer Instinct will no longer be exclusive to the Windows 10 Store Sinceramente sigo sin entender el empeño de Microsoft de seguir sacando juegos exclusivos

The UbiE3 free week includes three PC games; Division, Steep and Trials Fusion El UbiE3 Free UbiE3 starts on Friday, June 9 and ends on

The fee for Steam Direct is set at $100 In february Valve Presented Steam Direct, una version mejorada de Steam Greenlightwith which they seek to