When’s Midnight Ghost Hunt?

Multiplayer terror games never go away, and Vaulted Sky’s new fantasy game, Midnight Ghost Hunt, seems to have great potential to become the next big success with early access. The game has a 4v4 multiplayer mode where players have to conjure up using various tools at their disposal and it will start right away. If you ask when the Midnight Ghost Hunt closesthis is what you need to know.

Launch date for Midnight Ghost Hunt on PC

At the time of writing this article, Midnight Ghost Hunt is an advanced access game and will be launched on March 31st.

As for the launch of the final version of the game, there is still no information on this, although we can imagine that the developers will collect comments and provide updates on the development of the game.

Without a doubt, for now, all you need to know is that the game will be available for purchase via Steam’s early access on March 31st. We will update this article in such a way that we get more information about the final launch date.

Midnight Ghost Hunt allows players to play as Ghosts or Ghost Hunters; the second will be tasked with harassing them with tools and other high-tech devices, while the first will have to hide and use their supernatural powers to create the greatest possible chaos.

That’s all you need to know about when the Midnight Ghost Hunt closes. Be sure to search on dlprivateserver for more tips and information about the game.

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