In this guide, we will explain everything you need to know about it Destiny 2 Witch Queen Legendary Campaignincluding the differences and the rewards that will be gained for taking on the hardest challenge.
After the Destiny 2 Witch Queen intro scene, the Guardians are faced with an immediate decision: Choose “Be brave” or “Conviértete en leyenda”. In reality, this refers to playing the campaign on the predetermined difficulty or on the legendary difficulty much harder.
¿Qué tiene de diferente la Campaña Reina Bruja Legendaria de Destiny 2?
Si elige asumir este desafieo más dífico, los jugadores pueden esperar enfrentar una experiencia quite defiantante. Lead designer Matt McConnell shared details of how challenging the Legendary campaign is in a blog post, revealing that it’s designed to be harder than Legendary Nightfall, “though easier than a solitary dungeon or execution of Grandmaster Nightfall”.
Los enemigos will generally be harder and more aggressive. Tienen una major resistencia al daño, son más díficoli de tambalear y sus escudos son más fuertes para typos de dano inigualal.
No es solo la form en que los enemigos reactan en el combate, sino que el type enemigos a los que te fentranás cambia en comprásiona con la difficulidad basic de campaña. For example, los enemigos de élite se cambiarán por jefes, or you will have an influx of más enemigos de barra roja.
That said, keep in mind that Legendary difficulty escalates to coincide with your Fireteam, so solo players will see a reduction in damage and enemy health, while three players will see experience increase, though not quite 1: 1.
Qué compendias obtain por vencer a la campaña legendaria
Completing all missions in the Destiny 2 Witch Queen’s Legendary Campaign will reward players with the following:
- A new exclusive badge for those who complete the campaign on Legendary difficulty.
- See claim a Triumph for the new title of Throne World.
- Un conjunto de congreñas 20 por encima de la tapa blanda a un nivel de potencia de 1520.
- Eight update modules.
- New exotic armor Witch Queen that is generally reserved for PED Lost Sector drops. – These include things like the exotic hunter Blight Ranger’s helmet, the exotic witch Osmiomancy’s guantelets, and the chest of the exotic titan Hoarforst-Z.
- Bungie Exclusive Rewards (Not Yet Revealed)
That’s all you need to know about him Destiny 2 Witch Queen Legendary Campaign. For more tips, tricks and guides, head to our wiki or see more from our coverage below.
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