Sony confirms that Remake of Demon’s Souls is officially released on PC. This confirms the Japanese multinational at the end of the last trailer of Demon’s Souls Remake. We can see that too will only be for a limited time for PS5 and will also be available on PC. Your launch will take place in 2021 on a date to be determined.
Update: Sony has deleted the official trailer of Demon’s Souls Remake from the web as it was supposed to be an “error” which does not reach the PC. In addition, the tampoco game will arrive on “other consoles” and will be exclusive to PlayStation 5, in its entirety, according to the announcement. We understand that this is a temporary exclusivity, but Sony has not made any statements in this regard and has left the door open for speculation.
Demon’s Souls is a complete remake of the first Souls game that took us to Boltaria’s realm, full of snow. Here death is not the end, and again desafío seems incredible. But this dark world will reach you in all its guises, with its sunken sights and its escalating sounds.
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