The creators of Runescape are working on a new MMO F2P

Runescape is the company’s only major success game

Jagex the developer known by Runescape has another MMO F2P in the pipeline, according to a new senior game designer job posting in the UK advertised in Jobs The gaming industry. At this time, it is not known what the new MMO will be about, but expert sources have confirmed, based on previous announcements, that it will work with SpatialOS.

SpatialOSyou can use them to construct large virtual mundos for MMOs where tens of thousands of players interact simultaneously.

It is also speculated that it could be related to “Runescape Next-Gen”, which was allegedly leaked by accident.

Jagex ha tratado de diversifyar su catalogo de juegos en muchas ocasions con el launch de Chronicle: Runescape Legends , Block n Load , 8 Kingdoms, Fun Orb, War of Legends, Starry Dawn, and several other titles. Despite their efforts, none of their projects approached the slightest success that Runescape had achieved.


El tiempo dirá si este nuevo MMO will be successful or not.

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