La TLP Tenerife 2017 is a spectacular experience of Cosplay
I would have liked to have been able to cover the rest of the days of TLP 2017, I’m talking about days 3 to 5 where some interesting things took place like the tournaments of the different games and above all the confrontations with League of Legends that is it ROG ISLAND OF LEGENDS Where is the team from? G-Lab Penguins see hizo con la victoria defeating an actual champion Asus Rog Army.
Sincerely, la falta tiempo y el poco tacto de los responsibles de las redes sociales de la TLP, que ni se deignaron dar un triste RT a los 2 articles que hice, tan solo un «me gusta», no me hiceron reunir las fuerzas y el tiempo suficiente para acudir estos días.
Pero esto es agua pasada y hoy I bring you the summary of the last day of TLP, where the Cosplay competition puts the last brooch at the event and which brooch.
Para los no entendidos el Cosplay originates from the term Anglo-Saxon costume game, que viene a indicar la union entre el traje y la actura que el actor realiza con el mimso. Los cosplayers don’t limit themselves to wearing costumes, they don’t disguise themselves. Son intérpresando un papel mientras llevan el traje puesto, generally elaborated by ellos mismos. Antes de continuar vamos a dejar unos cuantos que paseaban por el recinto.
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The act, which was to begin at 15:00 in the afternoon, was delayed by a minor accident related to a liquid spilled right at the entrance to the stage, which led to the replacement of the carpet and the efforts of the cleaning crew to avoid evil. The competition started almost an hour later, but the team of staff and volunteers were responsible for creating some animation to make the wait much more bearable.
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When everything was ready and as much as the stairs and the floor were full of people, it was the providers’ turn that this year we have held a Morgana Cosplayer y otro tío majete, que seguro es conocido pero desconozco su nombre. El nivel que dieron fue excellente, nothing to do with the previous year and the Meristation team.
The jury was composed of Pilar Rumeupresenter of Buenos Días Canarias, Candido Perezcosplayer stormtrooper, Haridian Cedrésprofessional makeup artist, Illysiacosplayer con un amplio rodaje en el panorama del cosplay y Chema Hernandezprofessional photographer.
This year we have had performances of all kinds, from things that left me speechless to others of a very low level, rozando la embarassment ajena. In order not to extend this post more than necessary, he realized a short video of 3 minutes with the best moments of the competition plus performances from the winners of Asian Dance Cover 2017 and another urban dance group.
I will note that the lack of equipment for some recordings and my bad experience did not make the video as good as it was desired, but I think it was not so bad, being the first I did in this style.
PD: El Random que sale and el vídeo give everything in el Just Dance, no me pude resistir a meterlo and el montaje, un diamante and BRUTO!
Before the winners of the Cosplay Gala were announced, awards were presented to the winners TOP OF TLP y también las entradas de la príxima edition de la TLP a los fortunados teleperos que reunieron los Summers Coins necesarios.
After the jury’s consideration, basada al 50% both in dress and performance, se dieron conocer los ganadores tanto de la category Individual like Group several other prizes for special mentions que sostaaron en alguna category.
This is the heart of TLP Tenerife 2017, which took place from the 18th to the 23rd of July in the Tenerife Ferial Center, where more than 55,000 people registered to visit the event that shows all the leisure and technological culture in reality.
Review the other two articles in the following links:
TLP Tenerife 2017 Day 1 – The calm before the storm
TLP Tenerife 2017 Day 2 – Commienza la Summer-Con