Stormdivers the new Housemarque game

Housemarquehas the Finnish study of arcade writers and experts in arcade games like Matterfall or Nex Machina presented in Restart Develop 2018 its next title, Stormdivers, that they break their roots to create a longer and more economically viable experience.

Users of Stormdivers’ closed Alpha say it’s a Battle Royale

The title is a multiplayer action game under Unreal Engine 4, “easy to understand, hard to dominate”, which according to some users who were able to test their closed Alpha, is a Battle Royale with a personal touch. The characters will have different abilities, great freedom of movement, more prone to a more arcade style, and many weapons reminiscent of the style of the studio.

Stormdivers has been under development for two years and is now equipped with VFX Engine, a brand of graphics engine.

What has been presented so far says nothing but promises to provide more details very soon.

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