Spain is world leader in scams, scams and online scams, according to Microsoft’s Online Civics Index survey

Today, Microsoft released an interesting press release with the motive for the celebration of International day for secure internet Safer Internet Day– which advocates “digital civicism”, is to treat all people with whom they interact online with dignity and respect. The company has published them new data of su Digital Civics Index (ICD), “Citizenship, security and online interactions-2020”on an annual basis and since five years ago Microsoft analyzes the state of the digital society the young people and adults in different countries around the world. Its goal is to understand and promote safer, healthier and more respectful online interactions between all people.

To take the cab last reportin which for the first time data from Spaininterviewed Microsoft between April and May 2020 and more of 16,000 people –501 in Spain-, dividendas entre young people and adults– de 32 countries around the world, at his exhibition a 21 online risks differ into four categories: behavior, sexuality, reputation, and personal / intrusive content topics.

Spain’s position in the first year of participation

By 2020, the global ICD, as the Microsoft study shows, will be located in 67 pctwhat is supposed to be one better by three percentage points in terms of results for 2019. The index acts as a golf score: the lower the index is read (on a scale from zero to 100), the lower the exposure to the risk of the surveyed will be, and the greater will be the level of online civic perverted by people in that country. Cabe resaltar que los results from Spain see placed at the forefront of global media, with a 67 pctjust below other countries in Europe, such as Denmark, Ireland and Sweden, which with 68, 74 and 78 percent, respectively, have the worst indices among the countries in Western Europe. Italy is in a more favorable position than Spain, albeit with a difference of only 3 percentage points; The United Kingdom, which lists 51 percent, and Germany, 62 percent, are the countries that top the list of countries with the best online civics in the European region, according to Microsoft polls. In the global rankings, the countries with the highest online reading skills were South Africa (81 percent), Russia (80 percent) and Mexico with 76 percent.

Young people excel in online civic and adult awareness

Significant results that by age groups teenagers they were responsible for the remarkable improvement of the online civic in general. In fact, the digital social index for teens in 32 countries improved by three pointsgoes from 66 in 2019 to 63 percent in 2020, while among adults it only improved by one percentage point to 71 percent, up from 72 percent the year before. Spain va online for global resultswith a 64 pct in ICD between young and one 70 pct among adults.

In the category personal / intrusive, for example, the “unwanted contact” has improved markedly. This is an important advance as the unwanted contact has been the most widespread concern among the respondents during the five years this survey lasted. In fact, 34 percent globally considered digital civicism surveyed to be favorable, 24 percent neutral and 43 percent found it unfavorable in adverse contact conditions compared to a year ago. These data in Spain reads: favorable (39 per cent), neutral (41 per cent) and unfavorable (20 per cent).

In addition young people around the world showed several positive points in the four analyzed categories – behavior, sexuality, reputation and personal / intrusive content topics – and among them sexuales cayeron almost four percentage points in the global index for 2020 with respect to 2019. This decline may be related to a greater awareness of young people about the serious risks that can run through internet browsing, such as sexting and capturing minors through the network with sexual fines or of any other type. Still around 40 pct of teenagers investigated in the 32 countries included in the Microsoft report claim to have been involved in an alleged incident –bullyingand the object of the same (13 percent in Spain), or as a spectator (33 percent in Spain). For his part, el 10 pct of grown ups company had the state involved in an incident of bullying work. If we take into account what is identified as teenagers, as adults, 38 percent of respondents reported having been involved in a case of this type, with 19 percent identifying themselves as “objective” and 21 as “spectators.” and 1 per cent. as “collaborator” and “coordinator”. Respondents were asked about the charge on the Network and out of it, and the adults asked them about the “charge”, both in and out of the workplace.

Spain leads the world over timos, fraud and deception and the impact of the pandemic

According to Microsoft, Spainwith a 44 pct se sitúa 13 points at the center of the world how much one engaños, estafas y scams on the internet. This category includes the spread of false rumors, such as, for example, chain letters; criminal intent to obtain personal information, subject to fines -for example, fraud of phishing;, malicious emails that send you from a destination you know and which is actually a virus. In addition, one 34 pct he says he has received do not contact the desired on the Internet and one 26 pct afirma haber sido víctima de “Sexting”, a term that refers to the unwanted sender and reception of messages, pictures, videos and other sexual content resources through mobile or other devices on the network.

On the other hand, one Spain, one in six (21 percent of respondents) say that Internet civicism prevailed under COVID-19, especially in the months of April and May. One of the most cited reasons for studies of a little civilism on the internet is that people use the internet to disrupt and vent their frustrations.

No embargo, anything more than a quarter, one 26 pct (coincides with the global media), indicates that digital civic has been improved during this time, which is largely attributed to a collective sense of “we are all in this”. Investigators have indicated that their perception is that people have helped and cared for the network and have shown a greater sense of community, united to cope with the crisis.

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