Sales of Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday 2018 set a record of 4 billion

Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday are a very important day for the economy, as 30% of all this year’s minority sales are generated during this period and Christmas Day, which is a clear indicator of the state of the economy. . In general and according to SuperData, digital spending increased 14.3% compared to the same weekend in 2017 thanks for the offers on digital content and the great launches like Call of Duty: Black Ops III y Red Dead Redemption II.

Revenue from Premium consoles will reach $ 1,000 million worldwide, 24.5% more than last year’s salesmens de PC Premium generated $ 586 million, which is believed to be one an increase of 18.3% for the segment.

“Video games have been transformed into a hands-on experience,” explained Joost Van Dreunen, CEO of SuperData. “More than a great flash drive, success titles today depend on a wide range of consumer contact points, which include live video, real-life events, digital sales and cross-multiplayer games. Major editors like Activision and TakeTwo have managed to include these new ones. views in their launches for the fourth quarter of the year, and the figures show that the audience has reacted in the same way.

The cost of the game, which mainly consists of players buying digital items such as skins for figurines, button boxes and other virtual objects, also recorded earnings that increased over the years during Christmas events. The successes that mark a trend or create a new fashion as Fortnite has had a significant impact on free console games, tripling the segment’s global revenue to $ 64 million compared to the same period last year.

Logically, even though many fans say the opposite on Youtube, the physical games go little by little to the second floor and digital sales gather the lead role. According to a recent study by SuperData, 42% of players buy most or all of their games digitally, ahead of 27% who still do so in physics. This trend is expected to accelerate in 2019 to the extent that consumers begin to pass on subscription platforms such as Origin Access, Microsoft’s Game Pass and all the new ones that are going to be like that.

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