Pearl Abyss will open Korea’s largest motion capture facility

Pearl abyss has today announced its plan to establish Pearl Abyss Art Center (provisional name), a new building specializing in technology and development of video games and motion capture.

Pearl Abyss has invested 30,000 million Won (approximately $ 26 million) to build a five-story building with a gross floor area of ​​about 5,000 square feet; Located in Pyeongchon, Anyang City, it will be the largest art center in the Korean gaming industry and is expected to open its doors in the first half of 2022.

The Pearl Abyss Art Center will consist of several departments, including a new motion capture studio that will be built as a large space without columns constructed with steel fixtures. The studio, of 1,000 square meters, will have a floor height of 9 meters and will have more than 150 motion capture cameras, which will enable more varied and effective motion shots with greater access to the room.

Pearl Abyss has already become actively involved in video game technology, running its own high-quality motion capture studio, 3D scanners and Foley-equipped audio recording studio. Black Desert’s intellectual property is designed with a graphics engine patented by Pearl Abyss and has had great success in the global market; the company has also received great recognition for its game quality, service quality, realistic 3D graphics and excellent illustrations and actions.

«We plan to create more realistic and cinematic games through the art center ”.- said Jeakwon Kim, CEO of the art department at Pearl Abyss.“There will be a technologically advanced base for Pearl Abyss to improve the quality of new titles such as Crimson Desert, DokeV and PLAN 8, as well as Black Desert.”

Meanwhile, the new Pearl Abyss chair is also under construction and is expected to be completed in 2022. The new office will be 15 feet high (five of them underground) and will create an environment for development and development. increase work efficiency

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