PC sales igual to console totals

The mobile market remains the undisputed leader

2017 is coming to an end, contrary to what many believe The PC market price is not that far from the console. GameIndustry.biz has presented an infographic with the value of the global video game market, the distribution between physical and digital game sales, the state of competition between the major platforms and other interesting data.

According to the graph, the pc managed to deliver 28% of the market’s total pastel, while all consoles in association will reach 29% of the total amount. The indisputable leader that many could imagine is the mobile market with 43 per cent. of the market price, which includes as many tablets as smartphones.

In fact, we have the live broadcast on the Twich platform with more spectators than the grand finale of Counter-Strike League: GO with 1,006,033 viewers.

Continue reading, enjoy all the data and leave your appreciation in the comments in this regard.

the value of the global market ciodejuegos

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