Old School RuneScape – Guía explicativa de Grand Exchange

This guide is intended to explain new and old things about the Gran Intercambio. “Where is it? What is it? ¿Cómo se puede usar para convertir mi 1gp en una pila maxima de efectivo?” Haré todo lo possible to answer estas preguntas y más.

Great exchange guide

¿Dónde y qué es el Gran Intercambio?

El Gran Intercambio is just northwest of Varrock, far north of where the player starts in Lumbridge. It is a commercial center where players can buy or sell goods with other players without direct contact, much like auction houses in other games. There are some important differences between the Gran Intercambio and the auction house, which will be explained briefly. In addition to trading items, players can also make bank transactions, trade specific items for a set box (allowing you to buy, sell, and store multiple items at the same time more easily), and interact with some NPCs in the area that you can tell the actual values. de algunos artículos y realizadores ciertos servicios para usted, como “decantar”. For members, there are also plenty of atajas located in the Grand Exchange, so it’s a place members will use often.

What is the difference between a large exchange of a house?

There are several things that differ from the auction houses found in other games, and it is these differences that make Grand Exchange so incredible. The first and most important difference is that Gran Intercambio DOES NOT HAVE CARGO TAX. took the lead This means you can buy an item for 1 month and sell it for 2 months and make money. This creates a complete method of making money for yourself that players can use to get rich.

Second, in the place where all the items available today are visible and searchable, players must search for the specific item they want and establish a price at which they are willing to buy it , while the sellers determine the prices a los que están dispositos a vender. What this means is that if one player offers an item for 30 months and another player offers to buy it for 29 months, then the buyer will not buy it and the seller will not sell it because the item and the buy offer will be placed the same place. place Gran Intercambio Alternatively, the seller placed the item for 30 gp and the buyer had offered 1000 gp, so the buyer buys the item for 30 gp and they refund the other 970 gp, while the seller receives the 30 gp he asked for the item. Pero si, por el contrario, el comprador would have offered 1,000 mo for that article and no one would have offered to sell it to sell it. Som que tenga cuidado antes de ofrecur precios ridiculos por articles, si nadie tiene ninguno a la venta, entonces puede terminar pay more for an article.

El tercero sun los límites de compra. You can sell anything you want, but you can only buy a fixed amount of a certain item every 4 hours. So, if the purchase limit for an item is 1000, you can buy 1000 of that item every 4 hours for a total of 6000 of that item todos los días. The first way to make sure you get 6000 is to make an offer to buy 6000 and it will automatically go through every 4 hours as long as people sell it at or below the price they are offering. Remember that when the timer restarts and allows you to buy again after reaching the purchase limit, it will first buy the cheapest available items at the set price. Por lo tanto, no pagará de más por articles siempre y cuando ya se estén vendiendo a un precio más bajo cuando se restabilzca su límite. This system is good because it prevents wealthy players from influencing the market for everyday items and also for more expensive items. Si necesita más de un article de lo que permite un limit compra, a ofteno puede pedirle a otro jugador que compre por usted, aunque pueden requestar una tarifa.

Finally, it is only allowed to have a certain amount of commercial offers at a time. Entonces, F2P puede comprar y/o vender solo 3 cosas a la vez, while P2P puede intercambiar 8 cosas a la vez. This gives members a distinct advantage when trying to “flip” items, but I’ll talk more about that in a moment.

Want to use Gran Intercambio to convert 1 gp to maximum effect?

This question has a simple answer. ¡Compre bareto y venda caro! OSRS has been around for a long time, and there are a lot of necessary items that players need for missions or tasks, and they have so much money that they don’t mind spending an extra million gp here or there, so as long as they can get what they want. Con la falta de impuestos eller tarifas, esto significa que los jugadores dispositivos esperar por los articles pueden oferer comprar artículos más baratos de lo que están vendiendo actualmente y luego selllos a su precio venta actual para obtener una anancia. This gain can be 1 gp or 10 or 10 million. It all depends on how patient you are and how the market is for an article at a particular moment. This method is called voltear. Ahora bien, si bien la respuesta puede ser simple y la major part del trabajo dependerá de persona para averiguarlo,

  1. For 1gp you can buy a hammer or something from the general store and sell it for 70 gold. Dinero EZ (lo prometí desde 1gp después de todo).
  2. See more at 1 gp, preferably unos pocos miles (receive 10k from Stronghold of Security for a bigger cominezio), busca elementos for voltear. The best way to start is to choose simple and cheap items with high purchase limits and low margins (the price difference between buying and selling). The items that fall into this category are things like trunks, minerals, bars, huesos, runas, food, raw fish and meat, arrows, and just about anything else that people need a lot for skills. These items are generally bought and sold quickly and with high purchase limits, even if you only want 1 gp at a time you can earn more than 10k gp per item. Article. Para calcular los precios de estos artículos, compre 1 por que se se que se venda, aumente el precio hasta que lo compre, luego vendalo al precio más bajo que se necesario para vendaro instantánimentamente.
  3. Once you’ve mastered this, you can try to change more expensive items with lower purchase limits. Things like axes, picks, weapons, armadas, jewels and potions. Estos artículos se compran y venden más lentamente, pero aún bastante rápido, especially cuando considera que only necesita 70 en comprásiona con 11000 de cualquier artículo con ellos. Además, los márgenes de ganancia más altos generally means that it generally earns the same amount or more with them. For these articles, I recommend starting with them when you have 100k-200k.
  4. Ahora que tienes más dinero puedes empezar a mezclar flips lentos con flips rápidos. Quick flips es lo que ha estado haciendo y son practically articles que se compran y venden poco después de que se se se se presenta la offera. Los flips lentos son MUCH más rentables, but atarán en tu gp for long periods, possibly indefinitely. La inversión lenta es inconsistent but very lejes por el tiempo que se se se dedica a la capacada hacerte rico de la noche a la mañana si tienes suerte. Artículos que generally se consider flips lentos son cosas como artículos cosmeticos de pergaminos de pistas. The precision values ​​vary extremely, so you can see your options. Para hacer slow flip de manera efectiva, por lo lo lo general no desea “comprobar el price”, ya que puede costarle mucho dinero averiguar la diferencia de price y es posible que ni even recupere el valor por el que lo vendíó. En estos casos, use a website that tracks prices to find the approximate value of the item. Ponga un precio bajo por el que crea que puede comprar el articlen y deje la oferta para comprarlo siempre que no esté comerciando active. Si no obtiene uno, intende comprar un poco más alto the next time you present the offer. If you want it so you can get it to buy you, lower the price every day.
  5. The next step is even more expensive stuff with even lower purchase limits. Generally, these things are part of the game’s meta-gear that people don’t need to replace very often, and that wealthy players could easily influence if the purchase limits were higher. Debe tener al menos 1 mil antes de comenzar con esto.
  6. Cosas de Near End Game Meta. No es el juego final, sino más bien la parte del juego “Finalmente estoy Empezando a matar jefes, but no los difículos y no de manera súper efficient”. For these things I recommend having at least 10 mil and up to 50 mil.
  7. Meta effective bossing. Solo 1 paso more arriba, voltear estas cosas requirá que tengas entre 50 mil y 200 mil para voltear de manera efectiva.
  8. endgame Te estás acercando a la pila de efectivo máxima, si necessitas que te diga qué voltear aquí, entonces no tengo idea de cómo llegaste aquí. Prolly necesita 500mil a 1bil to turn around here.

Poniendolo todo junto

Entonces, ahora que tiene toda esta information, I will try to convert it into a simple set of instructions on how to watch a normal voltear session.

Inicie sesión y verificar sus giros lentos que configuró antes de cerrar sesión. Si se las arregló para comprar algo the night before, póngalo a la venta, de lo contrario, baje lentamente y comiense med 4 articles que son un poco más lentos, como equipos, verificandolos por precio y luego configurado una offero para comprar su tantos limite de compra allowed. While you wait for them to buy, check the price of their fast bikes and start buying and selling these 2 items at a time until they run out of buying limits. Detenga sus lanzuzas rápidos whenever you get some of your slower launch items and start selling them is a good idea. Haga esto untill que haya hecho todos los elementos que se le ocurran or untill que seaa el momento de cerrar la sesión. Configure ofertas de compra for flips lentos en todos sus espacios for que tenga más posículas de obtener uno. Repeat as desired.

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