Nexon will bring new titles like Hide and Fire to Europe

NEXON achieves record profits during the first quarter of the year with titles to bring to Europe in 2017

Nexon posted its results financier sacando pecho, pues bate record during this first quarter, including the highest historical income since 2011″, confirmed Owen Mahoney, President and CEO of Nexon. “Our results were seen to be impacted by a great performance in China and solid progress in Japan, thanks to mobile games such as HIT y FIRE AND FIRE. Our strategy of reinvesting benefits to finance new projects has been a complete success. We currently have a robust and diversified catalog ready to launch in the second half of 2017 in Europe”.

Hide and FireMahoney continues: “También anunciamos que Dominations, the mobile game we launched in 2015, has surpassed $100 million in revenue. In addition, we celebrate the 11thTh Nexon Developers Conference in April, una de las conferencias de desarrolladores de videojuegos mas grandes de Corea. In the event, there were about 20,000 participants, including developers from all over the world, where topics of all kinds were discussed, from art, video game development and marketing to professional development”.

Highlights from the first quarter of 2017:

  • Profits in the first quarter were 596 million euros, 30% more than last year, exceeding our expectations due to the strong performance it gave Dungeon & Fighter in China.
  • A total of 317 million euros, which exceeds our expectations due to our high profit margin in the Chinese market.

The net benefit fell to 159 million euros due to losses on deposits and accounts in the EU.

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