Metal Gear Survive costs 10 € per extra person

Also the EULA of the game will have a little extra time

One more day gives the companies a surprise date, and it seems that Kojima was not the only “flipped” inside of Konami. Metal Gear Survive te cobra 1000 SV Coins (10 euros) for an additional amount of time for the person as if an MMORPG were being traded. The difference with the MMORPGs is that normally the additional birds tend to pay for the 4 birds.

The SV is a monetary game that is sold with real money and can only be obtained by cash or as compensation diary at the start of the session (30 SV daily). If we want to start a new party with another person we will send this message:

Konami Digital Entertainment, Metal Gear Survive

Current prices of SV Coin

  • 100 SV coins – 0.99 €
  • 550 SV coins – € 4.99
  • 1150 SV coins – € 9.99
  • 3500 SV coins – 29.99 €
  • 6000 SV coins – € 49.99

Por otro lado, en el EULA (End User License Agreement) Terms of use that normally appear at the beginning of a game and that we accept without learning, Metal Gear Survive does not have centers in specific game activities or rules related to the company, but more and more the users can not use the game to sell with other players. Specifically, the players who accept the terms are technically in agreement in not looking for a relationship with another player, or participate in acts that Konami considers to be realized with the only proposal to cause a relationship. This includes limited relationships, acts and socialization within the content.

If this appears to be a discrepancy, Konami is not the first or last company to use the EULA to control the behavior of players. Killing Floor 2 aims to use the terms of use to prevent the players from being intimately involved between them. The perpetrators who fled the animal to Tripwire the banearos derecho of the game definitely. More recently, Epic Games has made some claims against a Fortnite cheater that infringes on the EULA to change the code of the game to deny product integrity. Without embarrassment, these games are not regularly intended for the amorous life of a player who wants to make Konami.

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