The gaming department of Group has launched a massive renovation of its brand; the first since its inception in 2009. All video game projects in the company, previously published under the Group seal in Russia and internationally, are now under the new seal: MY GAMES.
Lost Ark may soon arrive in Europe
The brand change will enable Group’s video game division to evaluate its global position, update its strategy in the international market and have a holistic vision for its business for different audiences. Titles like Lost Ark, Conqueror’s Blade or the launch of popular sports mobiles with Warface Mobile are among the projects that develop, publish and fund the new brand.
“Over the last 10 years, we have grown from a local developer to an international company that creates and publishes games, offers services to play, organizes festivals and sports tournaments on a large scale, in addition to investing in promising projects for the sector”, said Vasily Maguryan, CEO of MY.GAMES. “We are launching MY.GAMES to bring together our current catalog and refresh ideas. We have united our individual brands to continue to grow and have international success. We want to see what the future holds for us with MY.GAMES”.
In addition to several notable titles, the company will also develop its own gaming platforms and media, in addition to organizing sports festivals and tournaments. Since 2013, the company has organized more than 200 competitions for its main sport, Warfacewith a total prize of up to $ 640,000.
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Other important data
EROBERENS BLAD: The European launch of the open beta of medieval MMO Conqueror’s Blades launches its Beta Open on June 4, 2019. Its spectacular inventory includes tens of thousands of units, matches per. territory, hundreds of troop types and much more that players can discover. From May 28, it is available in advance for buyers of game packages.
WAR: The World Update “March“Para Warface it’s coming to PC in June, while it’s for PS4 and Xbox One will do so this fall. This takes players to the red planet, where they will experiment with low gravity and be able to complete the mission as SEDs (humanoid robots with special modular weapons such as Arcus). Another exciting news for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One gamers is the latest release of the update “Sunrise”. It includes a new series of weapons inspired by the legendary tattoos Yakuza, as well as new game mechanics, including sign mode and the introduction of energy shields to protect the entire team from enemies. In addition, in addition to the collaborative campaign of “SunrisePresented the first Battlefield: Season 1 for consoles with more than 100 levels as rewards.
WARFACE MOBILE: World of Warface will grow with the new shooter for iOS and Android, developed from scratch for mobile platforms. The title will be launched in 2019. Its development will stand for another study, which will also be at the forefront of content updates after the launch. Warface for mobile devices will offer a dynamic “to carry” multiplayer experience.