Lineage Eternal tardará en llegar more than expected

Changes towards Lineage Eternal

Durante la rueda de pressa que ha realizado NCsoft para dar conocer sus ultimos financiers results, se ha comunicado que la compañía ha cambiado la dirección del equipo de desarrollo de Kindred eternal. This decision was made after the closed beta of the game in Korea, which took place at the end of last year. NCsoft felt that the game does not “reflect the characteristics of the brand”.

All of this change translates into quite a delay for the Lineage Eternal movie as a new development program is being worked out and there is no news of another closed beta for this year.

Updated on November 7, 2017

See canceling Lineage Eternal for starters Project TL. This action MMORPG is a facelift that has been made to Lineage Eternal after the change of the graphics engine to Unreal Engine 4 and the change of the development team that the company made after the last Beta ending.Click here for more information

Finally, let’s look at NCsoft’s sales, which fell across the board because its profits with Lineage in South Korea dropped drastically. Sales of mobile games from NCsoft, including Lineage: Red Knights and Final Blade, are still very poor and relegated to “Other sales”. Blade & Soul looks to be this year’s savior for the company.

NCSoft sales

NCSoft sales

NCsoft sales

NCsoft sales

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