Meta: Standard
Architecture of the mazo: great priest
Esbirros (7) | Hechizos (23) | Weapons (0)
Craft price: 12100
Mazo has become very popular these days with a very high winning rate, 64% and quite effective against Tempo Rogue as well as against witch control.
Total game: 636 | Wind rate: 64%
# 1x (0) [Silence]
# 2x (1) [Pint-Size Potion]
# 2x (2) [Shadow Visions]
# 2x (2) [Shadow Word: Pain]
# 2x (2) [Spirit Lash]
# 2x (3) [Shadow Word: Death]
# 1x (4) [Barnes]
# 2x (4) [Eternal Servitude]
# 1x (4) [Greater Healing Potion]
# 2x (4) [Shadow Word: Horror]
# 2x (6) [Dragonfire Potion]
# 2x (6) [Shadow Essence]
# 2x (7) [Lesser Diamond Spellstone]
# 1x (7) [Psychic Scream]
# 1x (8) [Shadowreaper Anduin]
# 1x (8) [The Lich King]
# 2x (9) [Obsidian Statue]
# 1x (9) [Ysera]
# 1x (10) [Y’Shaarj, Rage Unbound]
Code to import Mazo to Hearthstone