The former creative director of Ubisoft Montreal Jason VandenBerghe se ha unido a ArenaNet as his new design director. Over 9 years at Ubisoft Montreal, VandenBerghe had participated in some of Ubisoft’s major IPs, including Far Cry 3 or For Honor. With ArenaNet, it will work with individuals and teams to help develop.
VandenBerghe’s new role at ArenaNet allows him to step directly away from the games.
He has nueve años increíbles en ubisoft. It was the best experience of my career. En muchos sentidos, fui forjado por ese place. Lo dejo lleno de gratitude por todo lo que se me dio la opportunity de hacer allí, un profundo amor para toda esa gente increíble que hace ese place lo que es. I hope to play all the games with interest, now and in the future.
I want to be at study level. Pastoreando equipos y haciendo creciendo gente. Estoy … un poco emociado por lo difícil que suena eso. That’s exactly what I’m doing now.
Jason VandenBerghe
VandenBerghe starts with ArenaNet on July 17.