How to carry the great sword of the moonlight

Moonlight Greatsword is a basic element of the series and is present in all Soulsborne games developed by FromSoftware. It is known as an intelligence-centered weapon that has the ability to disperse blue projects that come impressively in dark areas, and it is also available in the Elden Ring. That would no doubt be a total annoyance, and it could be this year’s euphemism. Here it is How to bring the great sword of the moonlight to the Fire Ring.

In Fire Ring, Moonlight Greatsword is a weapon skill for Dark Moon Greatsword, which is the weapon you are looking for. You can use FP to use this ability, which allows you to get rid of fancy projects before they are mentioned. Keep in mind that this guide contains important spoilers for the bosses on the two floors, as well as a secondary boss and some areas of the afternoon game.

Get the big Moonlight sword in the Fire Ring

  • Meet Melina and unlock the ability to level up.
  • Return to Elleh Church for the night and spend the night with Renna, who will give you the spiritual bell.
  • Continue in the story until you reach the Academia de Raya Lucaria. You will need to get to Rennala, Queen of the Llena Moon, to continue.
  • Then head to the northern region of Liurnia of the Lakes to reach Caria Manor.

    Keep in mind that this area can be dangerous enough if it has just reached the Rennala and is at level 40 or below. It is possible to start the area at this level, but it can be convenient to go up a bit more before returning.

  • Clean Caria Manor gives you access to Ranni’s Rise, Renna’s Rise and Seluvis’s Rise. Direct to Ranni’s Rise to start the search correctly.

    Goes up the tower to talk to Ranni and accepts his request to help Blaidd. You can consult our Blaidd NPC mission line guide here. It’s a series of missions that are quite long and complicated, but you’ll have to look to the end to get ahead.
    Require you to come to Radahn, enter Nokron, and recapture the Fingerslayer sword you get at the end of the area.

    ring of fire large sword light of the moon

  • After completing Blaidd’s series of missions, return to Ranni’s Rise and talk to her to deliver the fingerlayer blade you found in Nokron.
  • Then head north to Renna’s Rise from your location and interact with the courier gate at the top, which will take you to the Ainsel River.

    The first thing you need to do in Ainsel River is to interact with the selected item right in front of you to get Ranni’s key item in thumbnail.

    elden anillo ranni

  • Scroll down to the Site of Grace nearby and select the Talk to the Monkey option three times until the monkey finally responds.
  • Go to Carian Study Hall, located on the east side of Liurnia of the Lakes.

    Interacting with the pedestal inside the study, this will cover the entire area and provide access to the Liurnia Tower Bridge and Liurnia’s Divine Tower.

  • Go to the top of the divine tower to bear the mark of the death curse.

  • Return to the Ainsel River and walk through this area until you reach the basin of the Noktella waterfall.

    Once here, Ranni will ask you for help killing a killer. Continue south through the area to indicate an invasion. After killing the attacker, you will receive a key and Ranni will thank you for your efforts.

  • At this point, go back to Raya Lucaria’s large library and use the key to open the box.

    You will receive the Dark Moon Ring, which will be useful towards the end of the mission. Return to the Ainsel River to continue.

  • Continue across the Ainsel River to reach Lake Rot, and continue through the area to reach the Gran Claustro Sitio de Gracia.

    In Great Claustro you will have to navigate through a series of obstacles to reach the ground floor and pass through enemy soldiers. On the edge further south of the area you will see that the road ends in low, with an ataúd on the edge. Interact with the person to relax inside.

  • The attack will take you to another area where you will have to fight the Astel boss, Naturalborn of the Void.
  • After knocking the boss down, you can move on to the area behind the arena and pull the lever to call an elevator.

    This lift takes you to the altar of the moonlight in Liurnia de los Lagos. Keep in mind that the Dark Moon Ring must be kept in its possession at this time, otherwise it will not be able to evolve.

  • From here, head east to Manus Celes Cathedral.

    Near Sitio de Gracia you will see an agujero on the floor where it can fall. Look for tips that can fall safely and run to the bottom.

    elden anillo ranni

  • Navigate through the cave where you will find a doll thrown on the floor.

    Interact with him and use the ring and it will further undermine the dialogue with Ranni. After hearing what you have to say, you will find Black Moon Sword shot on the floor as an item to capture and it will mark the end of the search bar.

  • This is easily the longest series of missions you can embark on in the Fire Ring, and it is not one that can be accomplished at once. You will need to move on in the story to unlock more Ranni missions, so it’s best to try it out in small pieces while you play.

    Still, the reward is worth the pain. Ranni’s search bar is very much in line with Elden Ring’s tradition and general history, and you can also play with Darkmoon Greatsword and use the Moonlight Greatsword weapon skill icon. By the way, if you use a compilation of intelligence.

    That’s all you need to know about how to get the big Moonlight sword in the Elden Ring. Be sure to consult our wiki guide for more tips and information about the game.

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