Here is the new Xbox Series X and “Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II”

Anoche, at The Game Awards, announced Microsoft Xbox Series X, its fastest and most powerful console ever will mark a new one in terms of performance, speed and compatibility. It reaches the end of 2020 with Hi: Infinite and will reform the way developers create and gamers experiment with video games.

Following the announcement of the official name of the new console (formerly known as “Project Scarlett”), Microsoft offered a look at its innovative design and unveiled the new Xbox Wireless Controller, which will be included in the Xbox Series X.

“With the Xbox Series X, we want to magnify the way games come, are played and felt,” he said in a press release. Its design offers four times the processing power of the Xbox One X. in a quieter and more efficient way, something that is crucial to offering a truly engaging game. The Xbox Series X is also designed to be compatible with both vertical and horizontal orientation.

During The Game Awards, Xbox Game Studios also announced Senua’s Saga: Hellblade IIthe sequel to galardonado Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice of Ninja Theory, designed to make the most of the power of the Xbox Series X.

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