Bungie’s science fiction shooting and looting game takes on a new life with the launch of Destiny 2: The Witch Queen. This expansion presents nuevas misiones de history, exotic equipment, public events, areas to explore and much, much more. This time, players will visit the depths of Savahtun’s Throne World to meet the Lucent Brood powered by light and put an end to their intrigues. To help you familiarize yourself with todas las nuevas mecánicas y characteristics, we have compiled this practice Destiny 2: Reina Bruja wiki guide. He’ll walk you through everything from the basics to getting all the new exotic gear, and will even give you some tips on conquering the next raid.
Destiny 2 Guía de la Reina Bruja Wiki
¿Falta algo en nuestra guide wiki of Destiny 2 Witch Queen? We will do our best to get a response below. We’ll also be updating this wiki with more tips, tricks and guides as we discover them, so be sure to check back soon.
- Release date: February 2, 2022
- Developer: Bungie
- Editor: Bungie
- Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, Stadia
Generel information
- Start trailer
- Reina Bruja Vidoc
- ¿Cuándo sale Witch Queen’s Raid?
- Download size and installation for each platform
- Explanation of errors in waiting times, capacity and servers is not available
- Fixing madreja error
Destiny 2 Witch Queen: tips and guides for beginners
- New tapas blandas, duras and Pinnacle Power
Search guides of the witch queen
Destiny 2 Witch Queen Exotics & Legendary Gear Guides
- Osmiomancia – Nuevos guantes exoticos de brujo
- Rimfrost-Z – Nuevo exotic titanium chest
Destiny 2 Witch Queen secrets and spoilers
We’ll continue to update this Destiny 2: The Witch Queen wiki as we delve deeper into Bungie’s science fiction shooter expansion. Be sure to check back pronto for more tips, tricks and tutorials.
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