Meta: Standard
Arquetipo del mazo: Cazador midrange
Esbirros (21) | Spells (7) | Weapons (1) | completely (1)
Craft price: 5100
Uno de los mazos que combine a la perfección with el Caballero de la muerte para Cazador, [Deathstalker Rexxar]. Partidas Totals: 964 | Win rate: 55%
# 2x (1) [Alleycat]
# 2x (1) [Jeweled Macaw]
# 2x (2) [Crackling Razormaw]
# 2x (2) [Kindly Grandmother]
# 2x (3) [Animal Companion]
#1x (3) [Deadly Shot]
#1x (3) [Eaglehorn Bow]
# 2x (3) [Kill Command]
# 2x (3) [Rat Pack]
# 2x (3) [Stitched Tracker]
# 2x (3) [Unleash the Hounds]
# 2x (4) [Houndmaster]
#1x (4) [Infested Wolf]
#1x (5) [Corpse Widow]
# 1x (6) [Deathstalker Rexxar]
# 2x (6) [Savannah Highmane]
# 2x (7) [Bonemare]
#1x (8) [The Lich King]
Código para Importar el Mazo a Hearthstone