Characteristics of Mazo
Characteristics of Mazo
Meta: Standard
17 creatures – 12 Hechizos
Arquetipo del mazo: Brujo control
Craft Costs: 4400
Commienzan a parecer algunos mazos interesantes y del Brujo… OMG ¿volverá al meta o mazos control como este quedarán superados en breve por otros mejores? déjanos tu opinion y experience con el en los comentarios. Mazo created by professional player J4CKIECHAN
VyNKaplayer in ranks 15-10 gives us some replays of pairings and a brief explanation of how the hammer works and its place in the Meta.
To watch the replays, click on the page on Next we will do another tutorial like the one we did for HDT.
Jugando versus Controlock:
- Los primeros turnos la action más important suele se utilization tu poder de héroe: [Life Tap]
- Du vida es un recurso more. In general, robas el mazo hele, así que cuentas, has between 15 and 20 points of extra life from your healing sources ([Mistress of Mixtures], [Earthen Ring Farseer], [Drain Soul], [Siphon Soul])
- [The Lich King] puede «chupar» muchos resources de tu opponent, usarlo ante de usar [Bloodreaver Gul’dan] (si trae un par de demonios grandes) puede acabar dándote la partida.
# 2x (1) [Mistress of Mixtures]
# 2x (1) [Mortal Coil]
# 2x (1) [Voidwalker]
# 2x (2) [Defile]
# 2x (2) [Drain Soul]
# 2x (2) [Tainted Zealot]
# 2x (3) [Earthen Ring Farseer]
# 2x (3) [Happy Ghoul]
# 2x (3) [Shadow Bolt]
# 2x (4) [Hellfire]
# 2x (5) [Despicable Dreadlord]
# 2x (6) [Dread Infernal]
# 2x (6) [Siphon Soul]
# 2x (7) [Abyssal Enforcer]
#1x (8) [The Lich King]
# 1x (10) [Bloodreaver Gul’dan]
Código para Importar el Mazo a Hearthstone
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