Epic games has released a press release talking about PvE mode in its exciting game Fortnite. The first thing they tell us is that the free launch of Save the World is not taking place this year. “We are working on a wide range of features, redesigns and engine adjustments that we need for free mode.”
The reasons for this delay are that «Save the world has grown significantly since its launch in July 2017, and Fortnite has also done so, in general, in a way never seen before. Adjusting the way legions of heroes gather to fight is a key aspect, so the experience will be excellent ”.
Best in saving the world
The IU also tells us that it should result in a more integrated and understandable part of the game. What he has done so far is to include the inventory in the interpreter, but with the next review I hope to see much more.
It will rearrange the menu settings so that you can find them more easily, and also convert some old IU tutorials to use a new messaging system. In addition, they will do some general retouching and add personality to the menus. What is expected to be achieved after this redesign is that a large part of the experience of the players in Fortnite goes to the game before they are in the range. It will publish a detailed review of these changes in the coming weeks in preparation for the launch in the coming months.
Other news that has been announced is the new updated hero system. This system has been redesigned so that the way of adapting the team is more flexible, has more options and allows more creativity. We will give a total of six places to heroes after the previous three. First we will choose a main hero to control and up to five more who will determine our pros and cons. We are looking for ways to expand the various equipment we can configure, thus providing tools so that we can make important new decisions.
They are also working on developing a decentralization tool for the inverted materials, which will be activated when important changes are implemented in forms, heroes, supervisors, defenders, and any object we want to improve.
The most horrible event of the year is coming back! Enjoy the return of the classic heroes in many new ways.
On this occasion, we travel to Malsilvania to review last year’s missions from A tumba abierta. If you judged the event last year, you may have noticed some changes and that Vlad is much more present than ever. New visitors to Malsilvania will be dedicated to saving the world in the most exciting way possible, and Ray and company will meet the most miserable Vlad.