Endless Legend is free until March 30 with Football Manager 2020

SEGA y Amplitude warn us about it Endless legend will be free until March 30 and Football Manager 2020 will be free for another full week to help make these forty more bearable. He also launched a message which he left immediately.

Endless Legend and Football Manager 2020 FREE

Now that everyone is working from home, the Amplitude team has used the video games as a tool to stay connected. So the team understands, and more in recent days, why so many players have eagerly contacted them to try their next historic strategy game, Mankindand while everyone wishes they were ready, it was still a little early.

Instead, Amplitude has chosen a different way to satisfy all players: make it its previous ground-based strategy game, Endless legendis free all week as part of a rebaja event for the whole of France.

Visit the Steam page for each game to access the free version.

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