Don’t miss TLP Tenerife 2017 del 18 al 23 de Julio

TLP Tenerife 2017 in the Ferial Center in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Por fin estamos en July y para el summero, one of the most important festivals in the world of video games could not be missed. We talk about it TLP Tenerife 2017 que está a la vuelta de la esquina, only 13 days left until the start of the great event in technology and new trends in the country, celebrated in Recinto Ferial de Santa Cruz de Tenerife from 18 to 23 July. In 2016, more than 50,000 attendees enjoyed comics, manga, video games, e-sports, conferences, cosplay and an endless number of activities, which this year will be expanded with many more surprises.

eSports will also be present this year, Shooters, MOBAs, combat will not be missing in TLP Tenerife 2017, as well as amateur competitions where the whole world can participate and win incredible prizes. You are not a professional, but you love games, the fair has a place for you too.

TLP 2017Como plato fuerte tendremos ROG ISLAND OF LEGENDS, one of the most important eSports tournaments of the year.

In the last three editions, more than €30,000 in prizes have been awarded. This year, the games that will host this competition will be League of Legends y Clash Royale. For this year, in addition to the professional teams invited against amateurs, we have an online classification center through, where the opportunity is offered to new pledges of games to open a path to face the best teams present in TLP Tenerife .

But that’s not all, we also have…

Dedicated to lovers of cinema, comics, manga or video games, an event that evolves while maintaining the spirit of previous editions. Load your personal favorites and you can really see the best artists who are talented or aprender of autores conocidos to an international international. Luce tu mejor cosplay, baila, canta, crea, comparte y, sobre todo, disfruta de esta experiencia.

TLP 2017

In TLP Innova you will find a room dedicated to the professionals within the new technologies. You can form and inform about rich and interesting topics such as the world of startups, application or web development, or how the new trends live in technology.

TLP 2017

This year MMOinGame will go by TLP Tenerife 2017 to bring exclusive videos and magical moments of the event. Do you have any preferences? Déjanos en los comentarios que te gustaría que coverriéramos.

For more information no dudes en visitar la officielle web.

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