Discover secrets and anecdotes about the development of Final Fantasy IX in Inside “FINAL FANTASY”

Square Enix has today presented a recurring in depth through the prized classic FINAL FANTASY IX. A trailer where you will find some secrets and anecdotes about game development, including interviews with Shinji Hashimoto (Producer), Toshiyuki Itahana (artist), Kazuhiko Aoki (Event Designer) and Nobuaki Komoto (Event planner).

The first in a series of special content from developers, “Inside FINAL FANTASY” will allow viewers to reflect in depth on the series’ legacy through interviews with various creators, artists and developers.

FINAL FANTASY IX narra an amazing story of love, war and betrayal in a world of amazing magic and amazing characters. Zidane and the theater company Tántalus have kidnapped Princess Garnet, who is to inherit Alexandria’s throne, but to everyone’s surprise, the princess had already planned to flee the castle to be seen by the world. Explore the world together and meet new friends and enemies in an unimaginable adventure.

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FINAL FANTASY IX is now available for the App Store, Google Play, STEAM, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and the Windows 10 console family.

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