cuáles son los nuevos levels de límite de poder suave, duro y pináculo

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen has arrived, bringing with it new campaign content, new locations in Savathûn’s Throne World, and of course more enemies to kill and gear to scavenge. In addition to all that, you can expect new Destiny 2 Witch Queen Power Caps that increase the new Soft, Hard and Pinnacle levels that Guardians can reach by using equipment in various activities around the world. Entonces, sin más preámbulos, repasemos estos nuevos límites de potencia.

Todas la nuevas de poder in Destiny 2 Witch Queen

Bungie has been steadily increasing the power bar in Destiny 2 with each new season and major expansion, and The Witch Queen, as expected, continues this trend, giving seasoned fans some new tracks that pave the way. Aquí están los nuevos limits de poder suave, duro y pináculo en The Witch Queen:

  • Tapa blanda: 1500
  • tapa dura: 1550
  • Cape top: 1560

Given that the majority of players will begin Witch Queen at 1350, there is a lot of work ahead if you want to reach the various power caps.

For those who need a reminder of how to reach each of the different limits, they can reach the soft limit simply by playing and getting weapons and armor while completing various activities or the campaign.

Hard Cap alone can achieve strong rewards. These are guaranteed to increase your actual power cap and can be obtained through exotic and main engrams, exotic missions, test of Osiris, season pass deliveries, and completing various playlist activities such as strikes, the crucible, and gambit.

Finally, the Pinnacle Power Cap can only be reached when earning Pinnacle rewards when completing specific in-game activities, such as incursions, seasonal events, achieving seven victories or a flawless map in Trials of Osiris, or completing certain rewards and Nightfalls.

That’s all you need to know about the new one Destiny 2 Witch Queen power limits. For more tips, tricks and guides, head over to the Witch Queens wiki, or check out more of our coverage of the game below.

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