Core estrena Home World, its portal to Multiverso

We have already spoken on other occasions Nuclearthe platform that allows you to create and play games from Manticore games. Today we receive a new press release that was announced The home worldthe new way to access and the social space where players can pass the rat, socialize and find games to play in Core’s Infinite Games Room.

As the new gateway to Core, Home World offers players a three-dimensional virtual space to explore Core. With large marquesinas, the path is marked by the portals of Core’s most popular and featured games, which include all types of titles, from classic shooters to deep MMORPGs, simulators and more, all created in Core, to offer a complete multiplayer experience connected to each other. and only Core.

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The latest Core update also includes communication mugs, significantly reducing installation size and adding more space to players’ favorite characters and screens as the platform prepares for its launch. expected access to the Epic Games store in April.

In addition to the new social space and Home World game, Core has another big launch today, the new FPS freestyle called Strike team. This is a team shooting game with surrounding checkpoints on an urban battlefield. This game was created by a team from Manticore Games, the creator of Core.

Currently in Open Alpha, Core is available for free download hereand the notes from the entire park can be consulted here.

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