Cómo usar armas a dos manos

Cuando estás pensado en combatir en Elden Ring de FromSoftware, ciertamente hay muchas opciones para elegir. It is possible that you will attack from the range or use hechicería to gain an advantage. Too bad embargo, for players who are able to do it nearby, and fighting a championship is an excellent manera de hacerlo. No solo eso, sino que puedes hacerlo incluso con poder aprendiendo a manejar tus armas con las dos manos, y nuestra guía sobre como armas de dos manos in the Ring of Fire está aquí para ayudar

Cómo usar armas de dos manos en Elden Ring

In general, you will find equipping a weapon with a shield as the most basic configuration for characters in Elden Ring, however, it does not remove the ability to use two hands in the game.

To do so, simply hold down Triángulo / Y and press L1 / bump left or R1 / bump right to select the weapon you want to use with two hands. It can be a sword, spear or even a shield, and two hands will give you more advantage when trying to deal damage.

Armas a dos manos en Elden Ring

Additionally, enemy shields or hard surfaces won’t prevent your weapon from being reflected, but it comes at a cost in speed. To return to handling the weapon with one hand, simply use the same process or change the actual equipment with the D-pad. Al encontrar el equilibrio adequado, puede aprovechar las dos manos while se mantiente en marcha durante más tiempo.

Eso es todo lo que hay que hacer cuando se trata de aprender sobre como armas de dos manos in the Ring of Fire. Also, be sure to consult our guide wiki for more important details about the game, including how to fast travel, how to help enemies to your back, and important tips and tricks for beginners.

If you have any questions that haven’t been answered, leave them in the comments below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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