CEMU version 1.11.3 gives surprising results
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wildthe biggest video game in Nintendo’s history, by itself, and so it has confirmed many media, and the separate prizes received from the game during this 2017 already work on PC at 60 Fps constant and a resolution of 3840 × 2160, or which is the same, in 4K.
The version that works on PC is basically WiiU under the emulator CEMU in its new version 1.11.3 which now adds emulation support for multiple CPU cores, which will take full advantage of processors with more than two nodes.
This new version of CEMU, which will be launched publicly next week, brings new optimizations that have not yet achieved the obvious best performance, while providing access to more resources, as well as includes new features and improvements, such as indexing of data. the hidden buffer in the GPU when the precision is too low, a new option to pack graphic textures and added the task configuration API. Thanks to these enhancements, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild can now enjoy a constant 60 fps or a 4K resolution, something that with the previous version of the emulator was totally impossible.
Update notes CEMU 1.11.3
- General: The NFC menu now has shortcuts to recently loaded NFC files
- CPU / JIT: Added support for multi-threaded CPU emulation with recompiler Dual-core mode will allocate one thread to the main PPC core (1) and one thread to core 0 and 2 Triple-core fashion assigns one thread for each PPC core
- coreinit: Added API MCP_Get4SecondOffStatus, MCP_DeviceList, MCP_FullDeviceList, MCP_UpdateCheckContext, MCP_TitleListUpdateGetNext, MCP_GetOverlayAppInfo, IM_GetRuntimeParameter
- GX2: Added new graphic package texture rule options: ‘overwrite LodBias’ Replace sounded bias ‘overwriteRelativeLodBias’ Add value to the game sounded bias instead of overwriting the Typical valid values are in the range -16.0 to 16.0
- GX2: Cache drawcall indexes data across frames if GPU buffer cache accuracy is set to low
- GX2: uf_windowSpaceToClipSpaceTransform is no longer affected by rendering target rendering
- GX2: Added API GX2QueryBeginConditionalRender, GX2QueryEndConditionalRender
- GX2: Fixed order in which turn and vsync recall to events is called
- GX2: Various minor optimizations
- nn_boss: Added IOSU boss / nim module
- nn_boss: If online mode is enabled, Cemu will now download and decrypt BOSS (SpotPass) files
- nn_boss: Added Task and Task Settings API
- nn_acp: Added API ACPCheckTitleNotReferAccountLaunch, ACPGetLaunchMetaData, ACPGetLaunchMetaXml, ACPGetTitleMetaDirByDevice, ACPGetTitleMetaXmlByDevice
- nlibcurl: Firm calloc/ malloc / free is using the wrong allocator (now using MEMAllocFromDefaultHeap / MEMFreeToDefaultHeap correctly)
- sysapp: Added API SYSGetUPIDFromTitleID