Bos El Bosque Embrujado – 5 Cheap and Efficient Mazos

Cheap and efficient is the key if you do not want to leave your salary too much

With departure of Embrujado Skov in Hearthstone there are already a lot of new mazos available, but not all are up to the majority, you do not have to leave a significant amount of pasta on top. If you stock oatmeal to make your standard mazo, here are 5 solutions to your problem and of the archetypes that are even stronger right now; Hunter, shovel, witch and priest.

Blizzard Entertainment, Hearthstone, Mazos, Midrange Hunter, Tempo Mage

A mazo that has come to be among the most powerful mazo, so far only 1200 polvo, with its vast majority of cards in the classic and basic set that all players already have. Just need [Dire Frenzy] y [Wing Blast] of the new extension.

Meta: Standard

Architecture of the mazo: Midrange Hunter

Esbirros (14) | Hechizos (12) | weapons (4) | Jugible Heroes (0)

# 2x (1) [Candleshot] # 2x (1) [Dire Mole] # 2x (1) [Hunter’s Mark] # 2x (1) [Jeweled Macaw] # 2x (2) [Crackling Razormaw] # 2x (2) [Scavenging Hyena] # 2x (3) [Animal Companion] # 2x (3) [Eaglehorn Bow] # 2x (3) [Kill Command] # 2x (3) [Unleash the Hounds] # 2x (4) [Dire Frenzy] # 2x (4) [Houndmaster] # 2x (4) [Wing Blast] # 1x (5) [Tundra Rhino] # 2x (6) [Savannah Highmane] # 1x (8) [Bonemare]

Craft price: 1200HearthStone

Code to import Mazo to Hearthstone


A cheap and quite solid mazo with a pretty decent payout rate, 53%. [Baku the Mooneater] It will be a big investment to make for this mazo, but it is also valid for the arbitrators in Odd Paladin y Odd Quest Warrior, so you do not have to turn your powder into it.

Meta: Standard

Architecture of the mazo: Face hunter

Esbirros (18) | Hechizos (8) | weapons (4) | Jugible Heroes (0)

# 2x (1) [Abusive Sergeant] # 2x (1) [Acherus Veteran] # 2x (1) [Arcane Shot] # 2x (1) [Candleshot] # 2x (1) [Dire Mole] # 2x (1) [Fire Fly] # 2x (1) [Glacial Shard] # 2x (1) [Southsea Deckhand] # 2x (3) [Animal Companion] # 2x (3) [Blackwald Pixie] # 2x (3) [Eaglehorn Bow] # 1x (3) [Ironbeak Owl] # 2x (3) [Kill Command] # 2x (3) [Unleash the Hounds] # 2x (3) [Wolfrider] # 1x (9) [Baku the Mooneater]

Craft price: 2560HearthStone

Code to import Mazo to Hearthstone


Blizzard Entertainment, Hearthstone, Mazos, Midrange Hunter, Tempo Mage

With the expansion of Embrujado Skov the best fans to play with the magician have received very good cards to create their mazos, e.g. [Vex Crow]. The amount of value that one can get through low cost hedges is absurd and the possible fall is insane. Without hesitation, the best part of this magician is that we can update it over time in such a way that we recommend the best cards to the magician such as: [Primordial Glyph] , [Aluneth] , [Archmage Antonidas] island [Pyroblast] .

Meta: Standard

Architecture of the mazo: Weather Mage

Esbirros (10) | Hechizos (20) | Weapons (0) | Jugible Heroes (0)

# 2x (1) [Arcane Missiles] # 2x (1) [Breath of Sindragosa] # 2x (1) [Mana Wyrm] # 2x (1) [Mirror Image] # 2x (2) [Arcanologist] # 2x (2) [Frostbolt] # 2x (2) [Sorcerer’s Apprentice] # 2x (3) [Arcane Intellect] # 2x (3) [Counterspell] # 2x (3) [Explosive Runes] # 2x (3) [Kirin Tor Mage] # 2x (3) [Mirror Entity] # 2x (4) [Fireball] # 2x (4) [Polymorph] # 2x (4) [Vex Crow]

Craft cost: 1080HearthStone

Code to import Mazo to Hearthstone


This mazo is the girlfriend of all that we are going to reveal in this post. Con [Call to Arms] y [Sunkeeper Tarim] as the cornerstones of this mazo and many others in the Paladín cause the dusty cost of the mazo to rise slightly. If you do not have powder for the Sunkeeper, you can support it [Spikeridged Steed] which is not perfect but will get you out of the way.

Meta: Standard

Architecture of the mazo: Secret Pally

Esbirros (13) | Hechizos (15) | weapons (2) | Jugible Heroes (0)

# 2x (1) [Argent Squire] # 1x (1) [Blessing of Might] # 2x (1) [Lost in the Jungle] # 2x (1) [Noble Sacrifice] # 2x (1) [Redemption] # 2x (1) [Repentance] # 2x (1) [Righteous Protector] # 2x (2) [Dire Wolf Alpha] # 2x (2) [Knife Juggler] # 2x (3) [Divine Favor] # 2x (3) [Unidentified Maul] # 2x (4) [Bellringer Sentry] # 2x (4) [Blessing of Kings] # 2x (4) [Call to Arms] # 2x (4) [Spellbreaker] # 1x (6) [Sunkeeper Tarim]

Craft costs: 3840HearthStone

Code to import Mazo to Hearthstone


Blizzard Entertainment, Hearthstone, Mazos, Midrange Hunter, Tempo Mage

A mazo that goes bad against warriors, but quite effective against hunters, other priests and chamans. A mazo based on improving the health of snails, very basic but fun and effective against the aforementioned classes.

Meta: Standard

Architecture of the mazo: OTK Priest

Esbirros (17) | Hechizos (13) | Weapons (0) | Jugible Heroes (0)

# 2x (0) [Circle of Healing] # 1x (0) [Silence] # 2x (1) [Inner Fire] # 2x (1) [Lightwarden] # 2x (1) [Northshire Cleric] # 2x (1) [Power Word: Shield] # 2x (2) [Divine Hymn] # 2x (2) [Divine Spirit] # 2x (2) [Radiant Elemental] # 2x (2) [Shadow Ascendant] # 2x (2) [Shadow Visions] # 2x (2) [Wild Pyromancer] # 2x (3) [Acolyte of Pain] # 2x (3) [Injured Blademaster] # 2x (3) [Tar Creeper] # 1x (4) Steambot without power

Craft costs: 2040HearthStone

Code to import Mazo to Hearthstone


Blizzard Entertainment, Hearthstone, Mazos, Midrange Hunter, Tempo Mage

A mazo de aggro with a combo pretty good [Snowflipper Penguin] + [Mad Hatter] . Barato Barato !!

Meta: Standard

Architecture of the mazo: Zoolock

Esbirros (28) | Hechizos (2) | Weapons (0) | Jugible Heroes (0)

# 2x (0) [Snowflipper Penguin] # 2x (1) [Acherus Veteran] # 2x (1) [Fire Fly] # 2x (1) [Flame Imp] # 2x (1) [Glacial Shard] # 2x (1) [Soulfire] # 2x (1) [Voidwalker] # 2x (2) [Dire Wolf Alpha] # 2x (2) [Knife Juggler] # 2x (2) [Vulgar Homunculus] # 2x (3) [Tar Creeper] # 2x (4) [Mad Hatter] # 2x (4) [Spellbreaker] # 2x (5) [Despicable Dreadlord] # 2x (5) [Doomguard]

Craft costs: 1520HearthStone

Code to import Mazo to Hearthstone


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