Facebook has given to know how to apply for the developer survey Beat games, apart from the popular Beat Saber game for virtual reality devices. The developer will now be part of Oculus Studios and work independently in the Prague division.
Beat Games will continue to evolve updates for all platforms and devices while Beat Saber was launched, they will be more acidic because they are now part of Facebook and otherwise this is an advantage for Oculus devices.
It has been confirmed more songs are on the way and the 360 ° level mode will launch in December. In addition, users will be able to continue to develop mods, always and when in accordance with company policies.
“Beat Saber is a perfect example of why Virtual Reality is so exciting: the RV returns to imagine old generations and invent new ones. The Beat Games team takes a leap forward in innovation and design with the amazing mix of game mechanics and music in Beat Saber, and without hesitation we know that they, along with so many other developers, have just started.added to the message.